American Legion Post 229 latest update on upcoming 2023 Baseball Season:
NOTE: Madison American Legion Post 229's baseball Point of Contact is Bobby Lee; please reach out to him with any questions you may have at (931) 265-5685 or
2023 Baseball News: It's that time of the year where the crack (ping) of the bat and smack of the baseball hitting leather is heard all around town. Again, this year, Madison American Legion Post 229 is fielding teams to play American Legion baseball. Registration is now open by going to the Alabama American Legion Baseball website:, and registering for the Madison Post 229 team. We are fielding teams in the Varsity (High School age) division and the 19U (recent High School graduates/1st year of college) division. Last year the Varsity team finished 3rd in the state. American Legion Baseball is a competitive program primarily comprised of high school ball players that want to compete after the school baseball season ends. However, unlike travel and showcase baseball, all American Legion baseball coaches are vetted by a criminal background check. American Legion registered teams come with liability and supplemental medical insurance as well access to a free robust software program to track player rosters, pitcher pitch counts, team wins and losses. We work with teams to develop their play schedules against other area American Legion teams.
We have received confirmation from major League Baseball that we will once again host 2 of the Youth Events sponsored by MLB here in Madison. Along with Madison Parks and Recreation, Madison American Legion Post 229 will host the Jr. Home Run Derby on Wednesday, May 3d at Palmer Park at 6 pm. Registration links will be published in the next few weeks, and parents must register their competitor online prior to the competition. Age groups for the Jr. Home Run Derby are Baseball 12 under and 14 under, and Softball 12 under and 14 under. Age cutoff is July 20 of this year to determine age brackets. Additionally, we will host the Pitch, Hit and Run competition on Wednesday, May 17th at Palmer Park at 6 pm. Again, registration links will be published in the next few weeks. Age groups are as follows: Baseball 7-8, 9-10, 11-12, and 13-14; Softball 7-8, -10, 11-12, and 13-14. Age cutoff is also July 20th, 2023.