
Madison Alabama American Legion Post 229


Past Activities: Apr - Jun 2023:

Apr 2023:


              Mark your calendar to attend the NASCAR September race - they'd like a large American Legion turnout.

May 2023:   New:  Individuals and organizations can now submit tax deductible donations to the U.S. Treasury approved 501(c)3: "American Legion Post 229 Foundation, Inc." charity.  See the new web folder: "Donation to Madison Legion Post 229" Folder with information.  Contributions will be listed there each legion year under specific donation amount categories

Note:  Madison American Legion Post 229's evolving summer 2023 baseball schedule is now available:

Legionsite Admin Area: ALABAMA LEGION POST 229 BASEBALL ACTIVITIES: Page 2 (americanlegionpost229.org)

Poppy Handouts:  Copy and paste the link below to your browser to signup for any/all of the following Poppy Handout Fund Raiser events:                              https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0f45abab2ea3fd0-2023#

           -  mail 20-21 May - Poppy Handouts at Lowes on Rte 72 from 1630 (4:30 P.M.) to 2100 (7:00 P.M.).

          -   20-25 May - Poppy handouts at WalMart Marketplace on WallTriana Blvd north of Capshaw Rd. from 1630 (4:30 P.M.) to 1800 (6:00 P.M.).

          -   24-27 May - Poppy Handouts at Kroger on WalTriana from 1630 (4:30 P.M.) to 2100 (7:00 P.M.). 

Jun 2023:   

(Note:  Post 229's H.S. Baseball schedule.  Cdr will need volunteers again to assist with Flag raising and announcements and a volunteer veteran member to throw the first pitch at each game.  (Practice now...) Volunteer pitchers should prepare a short no more than 1 Page biosketch of their military career(s).  All Home games will be held at Bob Jones H.S. this year on five (5) Thursdays: June 1, 8 (Postponed), 22, 29 and 6 July at 6 P.M.