
Madison Alabama American Legion Post 229


American Legion Post 229 and 237 support local police and fire department members in their challenging and sometime dangerous responsibilies protecting and defending residents of Huntsville and Madison, AL. In 2022, Commander Vannoy prepared awards and presented these at high visibility County and City monthly Council Meetings.  Thanks for what they do for all of us, not just legion members!

19 Jan - (Note: Date changed from 5 Jan).  Law Enforcement Officer of the Year - Deputy of the Year presentation was held at Madison County Commission meeting at 10 A.M. at Madison County Courthouse at 100 North Side Square, Huntville, AL 35801. Presentation was to Deputy Sheriff Jacob Busken. 

24 Jan - Annual Post 229 Legion awards given to selected Fire Department and Police Dept. awardees at the Madision City Council Meeting on 24 Jan.  Presentations were presented to: Agent Russ Owens as "Law Enforcement Officer of the Year for 2021" in the  Madision County Police Department and to: Driver/Engineer Kenneth Howard as "Firefighter of the Year for 2021" in the Madison City Fire Department.  (A link to an article to be published in: "The Madison Record" will be provided when available.)