- The American Legion was founded by veterans to help veterans after their discharge from military service. Within this pillar can be found Amercian Legion services and programs, such as:
- Accredited Veteran Service Officers (VSO) (see Post Officers folder) who can provide free VA benefits claims counseling and support services.
- Advocay and stakeholder oversight of the VA health-care system, to include a voice in Washington and throughout the States.
- GI Bill Education Benefits information. (Note the GI bill was first proposed by American Legion which passed through Congress.
- Career Services, including a calendar of job fairs and other evetnts as well as general guidance on veteran business ownership.
- Support and help for homelwss veterans
- Mentorship and help with Veterans Court.
- Food or clothing convoys to areas hit hard by storms.
- Honor Guard Services for funerals of honoably discharged veterans. Families typically contact the funeral homes which will contact the Legion Post for availability.
- Support for veterans coping with Post Traumatic depression.
- Assistance of elderly veterans and families needing emergency help.
- Visits with Veteran Homes and Hospice homes